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Sets the status for the checkbox of a specific row for the grid in readonly mode - either the full gird or a sub grid.

[Visual Basic .NET]

Public Function SetCheckedRow(ByVal GridIndex As Integer,

                                                 ByVal SectionIndex As Integer,

                                                 ByVal RowIndex As Integer,

                                                 ByVal IsChecked As Boolean) As Boolean


public bool SetCheckedRow(int GridIndex,

                                         int SectionIndex,

                                         int RowIndex,

                                         bool IsChecked);



Specifies the grid index - either the full gird or a sub grid. -1 indicates the full grid; for a sub grid, the parameter's value must be between 0 and the return value of GetTotalSubGrids() minus 1.


Specifies the index (0-based) of the section. If the AllowSections is set to FALSE, this parameter becomes irrelevant.


Specifies the index (0-based) of the row.


Indicates the status of row's checkbox - either TRUE (checked) or FALSE (unchecked).



Return Value:

The return value is TRUE if the action succeeds; otherwise it is FALSE.



The sync row in the associated grid is automatically affected.