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Specifies the content of an individual cell for the full grid in edit mode.

[Visual Basic .NET]

Public Function ConfigureEditCell(ByVal RowIndex As Integer,

                                                ByVal ColumnIndex As Integer,

                                                ByVal CellVal As String) As Boolean


public bool ConfigureEditCell(int RowIndex,

                                         int ColumnIndex,

                                         string CellVal);



Specifies the index (0-based) of the row in which the cell resides.


Specifies the index (0-based) of the column in which the cell resides.


Specifies the cell value.

1.If the edit type of current column is CheckBox, set "YES" or "NO" to indicate whether it is checked or not.

2.If the edit type of current column is ComboBox, convert SelectedIndex to a string and pass it to this parameter.

3.If the edit type of current column is DatePicker, pass the Date string to this parameter.

4.If the edit type of current column is Image, pass the full path of image to this parameter.

5.If the edit type of current column is MaskedTextBox, NumericUpDown, Rich TextBox, or plain TextBox, simply pass the text value to this parameter. For the content with a few lines, insert "\r\n" between them and pass to this parameter.

6.If the edit type of current column is TimePicker, pass the Time string to this parameter.



Return Value:

If the operation is successful, it returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. For example, one or more index values are out of bound.



The sync cell in the associated sub grid is automatically configured.