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Specifies the attributes of a NumericUpDown column for the grid in edit mode.

[Visual Basic .NET]

Public Function ConfigureCellNumericUpDown(ByVal SectionIndex As Integer,

                                                                   ByVal ColumnIndex As Integer,

                                                                   ByVal MaxValue As Double,

                                                                   ByVal MinValue As Double,

                                                                   ByVal DecimalPlaces As Integer,

                                                                   ByVal Increment As Double,

                                                                   ByVal ThousandsSeparator As Boolean,

                                                                   ByVal UpDownAlign As LeftRightAlignment) As Boolean


public bool ConfigureCellNumericUpDown(int SectionIndex,

                                                           int ColumnIndex,

                                                           double MaxValue,

                                                           double MinValue,

                                                           int DecimalPlaces,

                                                           double Increment,

                                                           bool ThousandsSeparator,

                                                           LeftRightAlignment UpDownAlign);



Specifies the index (0-based) of the section in which configuring occurs. If the AllowSections is set to FALSE, this parameter becomes irrelevant. If it is set to TRUE, your code can set this parameter to -1 to let configuring take effect for all sections.


Specifies the index (0-based) of the column.


Specifies the maximum value for the spin box.


Specifies the minimum value for the spin box.


Specifies the number of decimal places to display in the spin box.


Specifies the value to increase or decrease the Value property when the up or down buttons are clicked on the spin box.


Indicates whether a thousands separator is displayed in the spin box if applicable.


Indicates whether the up or down buttons are left or right aligned.


Return Value:

If the operation is successful, it returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE.