GetPatternData Method

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GetPatternData Method

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Gets the QRCode barcode pattern matrix data.

[Visual Basic .NET]

Public Function GetPatternData(ByRef Buffer() As Char, _

                                               ByRef Size As Long, _

                                               ByRef Rows As Integer, _

                                               ByRef Columns As Integer) As Boolean


public bool GetPatternData(ref char[] Buffer,

                                        ref long Size,

                                        ref int Rows,

                                        ref int Columns);





Pointer to a buffer that receives the character stream ('1's and '0's) storing the QRCode barcode pattern matrix data row by row from the top left matrix corner, '1' indicates the black module and '0' indicates the white module.

If the function fails and the variable pointed to by Size returns the required buffer size, in characters.


[in/out] On input, specifies the size, in characters, of the Buffer. On output, receives the size, in characters, of the QRCode barcode pattern matrix ('1's and '0's).


A pointer to the variable that receives the number of the rows for the pattern matrix.


A pointer to the variable that receives the number of the columns for the pattern matrix..


Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value, otherwise the return value is zero.




You can use this method to obtain the QRCode barcode pattern matrix data and render the QRCode barcode onto any device such as the printer, only Data, Level, Mask and Version properties affect the pattern matrix data output.

Based on the Orientation property value, rotate the pattern matrix accordingly before you render the QRCode barcode onto a device.