GetActualRC Method

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GetActualRC Method

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Gets the actual numbers of rows and columns for the QRCode barcode.

[Visual Basic .NET]

Public Sub GetActualRC(ByRef ActualRows As Integer, ByRef ActualCols As Integer)


public void GetActualRC(ref int ActualRows, ref int ActualCols);



A pointer to the variable that receives the final number of rows for the QRCode barcode.


A pointer to the variable that receives the final number of columns for the QRCode barcode.




If you set Version to vrAuto (Auto version), QRCode .NET control will automatically choose an appropriate version with enough data capacity to encode the string, use this method to retrieve the information about the final numbers of rows and columns.


If you set Version to other values and the data capacity of the selected version is not big enough to encode the string, QRCode .NET control will also automatically choose an appropriate version with bigger data capacity to encode the string, so the final numbers of rows and columns might not be equal to the numbers of rows and columns specified by the Version property.