How to Distribute It

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How to Distribute It

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If you want to redistribute the DataMatrix ActiveX as part of your application, please follow the instructions below:


1)For 32-bit version Windows OS, put DataMatrix.dll into the windows 32-bit system folder (e.g. "c:\windows\system32" or "c:\winnt\system32") on the target machine and run "regsvr32 DataMatrix.dll" to register it.


2)For 64-bit version Windows OS, put DataMatrix.dll into the SysWOW64 folder (e.g. "c:\windows\SysWOW64") on the target machine, and run the following commands to register it:

cd c:\windows\SysWOW64

regsvr32 DataMatrix.dll


3)If you want to use DataMatrix ActiveX in 64-bit version Office Word, Excel or Access, put 64-bit version DataMatrix_x64.dll into "c:\windows\system32" folder, and run the following commands to register it:

cd c:\windows\system32

regsvr32 DataMatrix_x64.dll


4)For Windows Vista or above, you need to use an elevated Command Prompt to run regsvr32.exe command, click "Start" > "All Programs" > "Accessories", right-click "Command Prompt", and then click "Run as administrator".