Installation and Testing

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Installation and Testing

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1.The trial version Aztec ASP.NET web control appends "MW6 Demo" to the string encoded with the Aztec format.


2.Copy "MW6.ASPNET.Aztec.dll" to the bin folder of the IIS server, for example, you can copy MW6.ASPNET.Aztec.dll to the folder "c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\bin".


3.Copy Demo.html, CreateImgVB.aspx,  CreateImgCS.aspx and Show.aspx to a folder of the IIS server where Active Server Pages are enabled, for example, you can create one folder "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MyFolder" and copy those 4 files to this folder.


4.Enter the URL of Demo.html to your browser for verifying whether Aztec ASP.NET web control is working or not, for example, you can enter http://localhost/MyFolder/Demo.html for testing it on the IIS server itself.